STory Driven


The premier solution for content creators who need a video editing team. Get access to a top-tier talent pool for your next videos.

Creators that trust us with their Videos

A few of our creators that implemented Dava to upscale their videos & output.


Ian Boggs

Emma Norton


Lilly Sabri

Some of our videos

Not Enough Nelsons
2.3M Subscribers
2.4M Subscribers
Jake Paul
21M Subscribers
Ian Boggs
12.4M Subscribers
Elliot Forbes
1.9M Subscribers
Dylan Zitkus
2.63M subscribers

Some of our videos

Not Enough Nelsons
2.3M Subscribers
2.4M Subscribers
Jake Paul
21M Subscribers
Ian Boggs
12.4M Subscribers
Elliot Forbes
1.9M Subscribers
Dylan Zitkus
2.63M subscribers
Not Enough Nelsons
2.3M Subscribers
2.4M Subscribers
Jake Paul
21M Subscribers
Ian Boggs
12.4M Subscribers
Elliot Forbes
1.9M Subscribers
Dylan Zitkus
2.63M subscribers

Long Form Editing

Our video editing process is led with retention in mind. The ultimate goal for creators is to find viewers and retain them. The editing for your long form video can make or break your potential reach. We’ve built a video editing process that lays a foundation for your creative process. Focus on creating the content, not editing.

Editing Stages


Short form content has taken over & reaching a broader audience has never been easier. Take advantage of the opportunity to gather new viewers in through fast-paced short form content. We understand that attention spans are at all time lows. Our editing process is to grasp the attention of your viewers and retain their attention as long as possible. Our editing is next-level and keeps you at the forefront of social media.

Want us to be your creative team?

Get in touch with our team to create the perfect media package so you can get integrated with our team and level up your content.


Get in Touch

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